The requirement that the fibre material is processed in a flake-free manner is met by conventional deflakers or by the HGH special deflaker (disperser). [1] Our special dispersers are also specially optimised for wet-strength and non-wet-strength broke treatment. This machine also enables high-wet-strength broke to be treated. Due to automatic dispersion plate adjustment, movement is performed with a minimal dispersion gap, which leads to an increase in efficiency. This means that roughly 30–35% less energy is required compared to toothed deflakers. [1] Based on your needs, we dimension and produce the machines you require.
Depending on the application, one or more machines may be used here.
Throughput ranges of:
80 – 2,500 l/min
18.5 – 250kW motor
Our services:
- Design and planning
- Production
- Documentation
HGH Kuegele GmbH
Mettersdorf 7
9433 St. Andrä
Phone: +43 (0) 4358 55 218
copyright 2022 HGH Kuegele - Paper and Fibre Technology