- Cleaners
- Approach flow system optimisation for special paper manufacturers
- Cleaner modification engineering
- Refiner skids
HGH Kuegele GmbH is a general contractor for
- Process optimisation
- Implementation of new HGH technology
- Laser scanning of affected system parts
- Basic engineering
- Detailed engineering
- Process control system engineering
- Equipment/cleaner production and delivery, HGH CSF and HGH SL cleaners
- Installation supervision
- Commissioning
- Employee training on new systems
Benefits for the customers
- Energy savings
- Reduction of CO 2 emissions
- Raw material savings
- Lower reject disposal quantities
- Sustainability improvement
- Less wear and lower servicing costs
- Better paper quality
- Better paper machine runnability
- Enormous cost reductions
HGH Kuegele GmbH is a general contractor for
- Process optimisation
- Basic engineering
- Detailed engineering
- Process control system engineering
- Equipment/cleaner production and delivery, HGH CSF and HGH SL cleaners
- Equipment, HGH LC screens, production and delivery
- Pipeline construction
- EI&C installation
- Installation supervision
- Commissioning
- Employee training on new systems
- System documentation
Benefits for the customers
- Considerable reduction in overall system volumes
- Resultant shortening of cleaning times
- Resultant reduction in wastewater quantities
- Through the installation of a modern Siemens process control system – improvement of the production drawings
- Improved, stable paper quality
HGH Kuegele GmbH is a general planner for
- Process optimisation
- Implementation of new HGH technology
- Laser scanning systems
- Basic engineering
- Detailed engineering
- Process control system engineering
- Installation supervision
- Commissioning
- Employee training on new systems
Process sequences
- Planning
- Production
- Installation
- Prefabrication
- Shorter downtimes for complete modification
Benefits for the customers
- Energy savings, reduction of CO2 emissions
- Pulp savings
- Reducing reject disposal costs
- Improved paper quality
- Improved paper machine availability
- Much less repair work for employees
HGH Kuegele GmbH is a general contractor for
- Process development
- Basic engineering
- Detailed engineering
- Process control system engineering
- Equipment/refiner production and delivery
- Equipment/vessel production and delivery
- Equipment/pump delivery
- Control cabinet construction, delivery
- Field cabling
- Pipeline construction
- Installation supervision
- Commissioning
- Employee training on new systems
- System documentation
Benefits for the customers
- Specially developed grinding process for alternative biomass raw materials
- Open and flexible systems
HGH Kuegele GmbH
Mettersdorf 7
9433 St. Andrä
E-Mail: office@hgh-kuegele.com
Phone: +43 (0) 4358 55 218
copyright 2022 HGH Kuegele - Paper and Fibre Technology